Annual Military Equipment Report
California law enforcement agencies are statutorily required to submit annual reports on military equipment pursuant to Assembly Bill 481 (AB 481). This bill requires all California law enforcement agencies to “obtain approval of the applicable governing body, by adoption of a military equipment use policy, as specified, by ordinance at a regular meeting held pursuant to specified open meeting laws, prior to taking certain actions relating to the funding, acquisition, or use of military equipment, as defined.” The Office of the Sheriff submits reports to the Board of Supervisors that conform to the annual reporting requirement. The Office of the Sheriff presented the First Annual Military Equipment Report on June 27, 2023. The report includes the following information:
- A summary of the military equipment uses and the purpose;
- A summary of any complaints or concerns concerning the military equipment;
- The results of any internal audits, information on any violations, and actions taken in response;
- The total annual cost for each type of equipment; The quantity possessed of each type of equipment; and
- The intent to acquire additional equipment and quantity sought.
Military and Military-style Equipment related reports:
December 12, 2023 Board of Supervisors Meeting: Adoption of a Board of Supervisors Ordinance amending sections relating to military equipment and surveillance technology. October 3, 2023 Board of Supervisors Meeting: Adoption of a Board of Supervisors Ordinance relating to the Office of the Sheriff’s Military Equipment Use Policy
June 27, 2023 Board of Supervisors Meeting: Military Equipment Annual Report