Body Worn Camera Usage in Jail and Community Law Enforcement Settings
The primary objective of Body Worn Camera (BWC) technology for the Santa Clara County Office of the Sheriff is to capture video and audio recordings of enforcement encounters, arrests, and critical incidents to enhance law enforcement practices and accountability and for evidentiary purposes. During the reporting period of July 1, 2022 - June 30, 2023, Sheriff Deputies from the Enforcement and Custody Bureau activated and recorded video and audio during calls for service, contacts with justice-housed individuals within our custodial facilities, and criminal investigations consistent with the use policy.
As of June 30, 2023, the Sheriff’s Office has trained more than 1,703 sworn staff on the Board approved Surveillance Use Policy, General Order, and BWC devices and software. BWCs have been issued to all sworn personnel. The Training and Professional Development Division provides initial and ongoing training to staff and issues BWC devices to all newly hired deputies. The Enforcement and Custody Academy includes BWC usage and familiarization training, and advanced and perishable skills training programs often include BWC usage and policy components.
Body Worn Camera System related report:
October 17, 2023 Board of Supervisors: Body Worn Camera System Annual Surveillance Report 2023