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Americans with Disabilities Act Facility and Programs recommendations


Master List Number


Programming should accommodate inmates’ capacity for learning, linguistic needs, and ADA requirements, and should provide certification(s) of completion.341
Covered by Consent Decree and subject to monitoring by federal court appointed experts
Once the initial custody designation has been completed, the inmate will be further interviewed/screened by the Classification Deputy to verify the accuracy of the objective classification data. The Classification Deputy will determine the need for mental health housing, Medical Housing (ADA), Protective Custody, Administrative Segregation housing and/or possible program needs.350


Not covered by Consent Decree, subject to audit by OCLEM
Revise all Custody and Custody Health policies, procedures, practices, forms and inmate handbook to ensure compliance with current ADA mandates.363
Covered by Consent Decree and subject to monitoring by federal court appointed experts
Update and eliminate existing structural access barriers in aging jail facilities to comply with the American's with Disabilities Act Title II ADAAG specifications.414
Covered by Consent Decree and subject to monitoring by federal court appointed experts
Develop and implement structural modification plans to remove barriers to access in the Main Jail and Elmwood Correctional Facilities.415
Covered by Consent Decree and subject to monitoring by federal court appointed experts
Design the proposed Main Jail East Facility to maximize structural and program access for inmates with disabilities.416
Covered by Consent Decree and subject to monitoring by federal court appointed experts
Purchase ADA tracking software program to ensure: 1) inmates with disabilities are identified and tracked,  2) inmates with disabilities receive reasonable accommodations,
3) inmates have appropriate housing for their respective disabilities, 4) inmates have equal program access, and  5) inmates have their ADA grievances tracked and resolved in a timely fashion.
Covered by Consent Decree and subject to monitoring by federal court appointed experts
Have ADA experts monitor compliance with current ADA mandates and facility modifications on an ongoing basis and prepare a corrective action plan every quarter in areas that are noncompliant.418
Covered by Consent Decree and subject to monitoring by federal court appointed experts
Implement Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) repairs to custody facilities to ensure the appropriate accommodation is provided for all inmates.420
Covered by Consent Decree and subject to monitoring by federal court appointed experts
Secure additional funding to begin work on additional ADA repairs and improvements.421
Covered by Consent Decree and subject to monitoring by federal court appointed experts
Provide comprehensive eight hour ADA training for all Custody and Custody Health staff.450
Covered by Consent Decree and subject to monitoring by federal court appointed experts
Complete initial comprehensive ADA training by May 2016.451
Covered by Consent Decree and subject to monitoring by federal court appointed experts
Train appropriate staff on ADA tracking system beginning July 2016.452
Covered by Consent Decree and subject to monitoring by federal court appointed experts
Train all Custody Healthcare staff on mandates of the Americans with Disabilities Act.456
Covered by Consent Decree and subject to monitoring by federal court appointed experts